Recent Review:
"We have a new review for a graphic novel called Hippo Ocracy by a company called Bad Aura. They sent us"... Read More
Recent Review:
"A couple of weeks ago writer Chris Kostecka of Bad Aura e-mailed me if I was willing to do a review of his two issue"...Read More
Khipo leads the hippo kingdom with his energetic blonde hair, political savvy, and lackadaisical demeanor. Along with his rhino wife Ronda and their half-breed, pacifier sucking son Rhipo they rule with total devotion from their subjects. Watch the insanity within his kingdom unfold as elephant royalty visits, and enemies from the past threaten to destabilize everything. All along the way, you will be introduced to fantastic over the top characters and subplots. Will the hippo’s triumph over their enemies?
The art in this independent graphic novel is by the Yuan Twins: Pencils & Inks by John Yuan and Colors by Matt Yuan